LanaPug's Minecraft Server


LanaPug's Minecraft server is a non-commercial server open to everyone at no charge. The server has been online since 2013 and features a Creative world with large 73x73 plots and WorldEdit enabled.

If you were a creative world player and want a download of the OLD plot builds, you can download the following zip files. Use the shown Minecraft version to load the world. Each zip file includes a .csv file listing all the plots. To convert from a plot ID in the .csv to an X or Z coordinate, use this formula:
ID * 108 - 54 = coordinate (Be sure to keep the sign for negative IDs.)

Server status:

LanaPug's Server [1.21.4] | Creative plot world with WorldEdit - 0/30
Paper on 1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
Paper 1.21.4

No players online     Plugins installed (29):
AltDetector 2.04-SNAPSHOT
AutoBot 1.02-SNAPSHOT
BetterSeen 1.03
BlueMap 5.5
BookExploitFix 1.4
Essentials 2.21.0-dev+166-fb6edc0
EssentialsChat 2.21.0-dev+166-fb6edc0
EssentialsGeoIP 2.21.0-dev+166-fb6edc0
EssentialsSpawn 2.21.0-dev+166-fb6edc0
FastAsyncWorldEdit 2.12.3
FreedomChat 1.7.2
ImageMaps 1.0.10
IronDoors 1.8c
LimitDrops 1.05
LuckPerms 5.4.150
MemCheck 1.04-SNAPSHOT
PlaytimeScoreboard 0.03
PlotMarkers 2.00
PlotSquared 7.4.1
PlotWelcome 0.02
Prism 3.9.0a
PwnFilter 3.1.2c
TabListPing 2.00
Vault 1.7.3-b131
ViaBackwards 5.2.2-SNAPSHOT
ViaVersion 5.2.2-SNAPSHOT
ViaVersionStatus 3.14-SNAPSHOT
WallClock 0.2.2g
WorldGuard 7.0.13+82fdc65

Privacy policy: When you play on LanaPug's Server, we collect the following: your IP address, your player name, your UUID, your chat messages, and all other actions you take on the server. This is collected in order to monitor server operation and correct any problems or errors. Most of this data is deleted after two months, but Minecraft/plugin data files are retained indefinitely. LanaPug's Minecraft server is not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. For more information, contact

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2/18/25   6:40:26 PM   0.024 sec